“Dye mon, gen mon. / Beyond the mountains, more mountains.” - Haitian proverb
Building change . . .
Almost 80 percent of Haiti’s teachers have not received any formal educational training, half lack basic teaching qualifications, while 25 percent have not even attended secondary school, according to USAID. But against overwhelming odds, teachers in Haiti persevere and do their very best to help their students.
There is a direct correlation between trained teachers and the quality of education. There is also a correlation between the quality of education and economic and human development.
Primitive instructional methodologies and resources handicap effective student learning. Compounding the problem, many teachers aren’t consistently paid for their work, and students don’t have access to basic learning tools—books, paper, pencils, let alone computers. According to UNICEF, 58 percent of Haiti's current educational facilities were not built originally to serve as schools. Many classrooms are just an enclosure, poorly made houses with dirt floors, no electricity, and no bathrooms.
We need experienced teachers who want to pass on their knowledge and provide practical classroom guidance.
If you are interested in serving, please contact Michael VanHook at michael@internationalstrategicalliances.org.
Teacher Training Photo Gallery
ISA . PO Box 134 . Hebron, KY 41048 . 859.938.9070 contact@internationalstrategicalliances.org