Educational Initiatives

“Piti, piti, wazo fe nich li. / Little by little the bird builds its nest.” -Haitian proverb

Hope delivered . . .

ISA in partnership with the Dodgeland School District in Wisconsin delivered $600,000 of valuable, life-changing school equipment to Faith School, CIMA School of Hope, Pro-Famille Clinique, and BOYO Academy. Over 600 poverty-stricken students received "hope". This massive donation was made possible through the collaborative efforts of Dodgeland Schools, Sonje Ayiti Organization, and ISA's very generous supporters.


The children of Haiti desperately need help. 50% of the children do not attend school. They can't! Their parents can't afford it. On a family wage of less than $2 a day, the children must work at jobs, such as carrying water, robbing their futures. Approximately 30% attending primary school will not make it to third grade, and 60% will abandon school before sixth grade. Only 29% of Haitians 25 years and above attended secondary school. Haiti’s literacy rate is between 57 - 64% compared to a 92% average literacy rate for Latin American and the Caribbean developing countries.1

ISA  .  PO Box 134  .  Hebron, KY 41048  .   859.938.9070

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