Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are you tax-exempt?

Yes, the International Strategic Alliances, Inc. is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation, under the Internal Revenue Code, effective July 22, 2004.


2. Do you accept financial aid?

Yes, International Strategic Alliances is totally dependent upon the generosity of our partners and supporters.  Therefore, we greatly appreciate any donations to support our mission.


3. Is Haiti safe for Americans?                

In our 23 years, we have never encountered a situation where we felt our safety was in jeopardy. Haitians love Americans and embrace us with open arms and affection. But in recent days, gang violence and civil unrest throughout the country have proliferated and threatened everyone's well-being. The safety and well-being of our team members are always our primary priority. We always take appropriate steps to secure it—from where we stay, where we go, and who we employ. Our security team constantly monitors the situation and advises us. Presently, we have limited our travels to select regions.


4. How is ISA unique?

Thousands of mission and NGO organizations operate in Haiti and provide vital services. We have learned valuable lessons working alongside many of them. For ISA, our core value is to listen thoughtfully and strategically collaborate with our Haitian brothers and sisters without forcing our cultural expectations and agendas on them in their moments of desperation. We prioritize our efforts with those who demonstrate a readiness to assume responsibility for their own successful outcomes, with those who will share their assets with the greater community, and on projects that have ongoing, life-giving sustainability.


Everyone affiliated with ISA is self-supporting, receiving no financial benefits from their service to our organization.


Still, have more questions?

Contact us directly.  We will be pleased to assist.


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ISA  .  PO Box 134  .  Hebron, KY 41048  .   859.938.9070

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